Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Welcome to BayBee Boutique!

I never thought this day would come, and now that it is here I can hardly contain myself. This idea started just a few weeks into my first pregnancy; however, the entrepreneur bug has been gnawing at me for some time. My natural drive towards organization, bookkeeping, and creativity has always led to me to believe I would be a great leader or manager... but business owner? Perhaps... 
Since I could remember I have always wanted to be a doctor. After six long years of college (full-time with lots of science classes and labs, and juggling 40-hour work-weeks, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities...), I anxiously started my first "medical" job working at a children's hospital in San Antonio, Texas. At first, I didn't think I would like it, because I wasn't a big fan of children. I had never really been that person who liked being around children or thought that all babies were cute. Over time, I realized just how precious children are. Unfortunately, I worked with mostly sick children and that made me sad. I slowly moved over into the adult-side of medicine and it was then I realized that it wasn't the medicine that interested me anymore; it was the children.  Children have this certain resiliency that can make any person believe in their magic. I found myself really enjoying their company, their energy, and their youthful outlook on life. Gasp! me... want a child... eek! 
Sometimes you have to step back and take a look at the entire picture to see what God has planned for you. As humans, we naturally sink into a routine and rarely have a chance to peek outside the box. I ignored all the signs my family, friends, and even my subconscious were giving me. The medical field was not my career path. I just knew God had something else planned for me. Beginning 2013, I found myself branching out a little more in search for my niche.   I kept thinking about starting my own business, but couldn't figure out what I would do. The allure of being my own boss, making my own hours, and doing things my way really appealed to me. I was getting all excited thinking about my options and what I could do. Then... life happens...
Pregnant. Say what???!!?!!! Wow! My husband and I just began our life together and now we are planning to welcome a little baby. Since this was my first baby, I threw myself into research trying to find the latest and greatest in maternity and baby products and found myself completely absorbed. No matter how many products I found, I couldn't get enough. The seed was planted and BayBee Boutique started blossoming into reality.
I am beyond thrilled to start this next journey (as a business-owner AND a mother - how lucky am I?). Please know that I personally endorse all the brands listed on my website. If you ever have questions or concerns regarding any of the products listed, please do not hesitate to contact me on my personal email at carleybee@baybeeboutiqueonline.com.
Happy shopping,
Carley R. Hall

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